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Same here, I noticed some discomfort in my left arm (where the shot went) the next day, but nothing else. Nothing like the sore arm I got from Tetanus shot.

I went cycling today, went past the fairgrounds where the vaccinations are done here, long long line-up. People are getting there shots! (But really should show up at the appointed time lol) A lot of things re-opened today (flip flip government, last week it was still a 2 week extension until June 2nd) due to the nice weather. It was very busy down town. May 24 weekend, Monday is Victoria day. We'll see in two weeks if we jumped the gun again. Over 50% has gotten their first dose now, however vaccinations have massively ramped up in the past couple weeks so a lot of those are still vulnerable this long weekend.

Conflicting guidance as usual, complaining people go North to their cottages despite the stay at home order still being in effect, while opening golf courses, splash pads etc. Few people seemed to take the stay at home order seriously anyway. But the closure of workplaces (-45%), retail and recreation (-29%) has helped to curb the 3rd wave. Parks are up +92% since the stay at home order.