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RolStoppable said:

Yes, I am a bigger fan of the game than MontanaHatchet. Not too long ago I asked Mr. Montana:

Do you think that it is possible to start a new file on Okami and collect everything in the game below 20 hours?

Everything as in all scrolls collected, full bestiary, all techniques, all animals fed, all fishes caught, all entries in the treasure list and all stray beads collected. Oh, and all treasure chests opened, helped all the people and all plants revitalized.

His answer:

No, it's very much unpossible.

It would be as amazing as Austria qualifying for the World Cup.

Well, I achieved my goal and got a complete file in 18 hours, 17 minutes and 1 second. Okay, maybe I've missed a treasure chest and didn't get the full amount of praise (I had 7.003, you need 6.020 to max all stats), but the point that it's possible to do all that below 20 hours still stands.

I love Okami!


I was wondering about the RoStoppable tittle on the "kind of gamer" thread, well now I know is not only about MK:Wii... congrats you MK:64 hater...

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