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Captain_Yuri said:
AsGryffynn said:

I'm referring to them removing games that happen in a school setting, even when they are not even 18+ rated. 

Chazore said:

I think he's also forgetting that the Japanese also self censor their own stuff. Like their H anime titles have been censored for decades, and the actual ban the US imposed on Japan since WWII was lifted years ago, only Japan just does it out of some stupid tradition, which makes me wonder why people like AsGryffynn think it's Steam/West that only do this.

I mean, there's even Germany and Australia that censor violence, but that's somehow fine to censor but porn is the final straw?. I dunno, that smells fishy.

Not exactly: I'm referring specifically to the "rather safe than sorry" angle instead of, you know, actually assessing the games they are putting in or putting them in and then simply withdrawing them if PayPal sends a notification. Moreover, this extends to non 18+ games that take place in an school setting (something to share Valve?) and get offed from the store. Like, I'm fine with cutting some content. It's outright forbidding these things that set me off. Had I been Epic when Kecmo came to me for the DOAX PC version, I would've told them I would be releasing it globally or they could go sell it on DMM like they always did. 

Also, IIRC Japanese pixel censoring is mostly vestigial now. They do it because they don't see a point otherwise. Proof? The littany of animanga with what ended up being appropriately called "pointless censor".  

Like, it's one thing to censor genitals because "it was how it was done in the good old days" and "banning this game because it takes place in a Japanese high school setting". 

Since Square Enix where the ones on the receiving end of this, I'd be happy if they tell Valve to go take a hike. As for PayPal, Valve can separate 18+ sections from the rest of the system and limit payment methods there if it'd make PayPal sleep better at night. Also, I don't see them objecting to the purchase of smut from Amazon. 

The "West" should grow a freaking spine. I'm in LatAm now, and they have their priorities straight here: if it's classed over eighteen and kept hidden away, anything goes. Moral guardians be damned. 

Only Eastern Europe is more liberal methinks. Yes, I know the EU isn't. Don't remind me. 

Can you show me the game you are referring to so I can get a better understanding since I have seen a number of hentai games that's uncensored on steam that have a school setting.

Hell as an example, Sony and MS both denied Gun Gal Returns but Steam allowed it and that's in a school setting.

Also Paypal isn't the type of company to send notifications. If something blows up like it did with Pornhub, Paypal exists without any warning. Also it could be the fact that I am in Canada but Amazon Canada doesn't support PayPal.

On censorship of VNs based on inconsistent guidelines with no appeals (also, it wasn't localized by Squeenix. I'm confident I saw something on Otome Break being Steam blacklisted, but this might have just been mistaken identity).  

On the removal of school based games. 

Another one.   

Also... eeeeyyyy, turns out I'm using it through a "workaround method": my Paypal Key. On the other hand, I just checked which payments I've made with Paypal... they include... DMM. Yeah, that's way more "West objectionable" than Amazon.