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My opinion is that water keeps me alive, so it's a-okay in my book.

But to elaborate, I drink a lot of tea. So that's water with some taste added basically. I hardly drink anything else beside that and milk. Maybe some juice when I'm visiting someone or something but otherwise, pretty much always tea. On warm days or when I go out walking I take plain water. In The Netherlands, water doesn't need filtering (in fact, our water is so good, that 'filtering' would make it worse); It's drinkable, tastes good and is healthy right from the tap already. Tapwater elsewhere is mostly terrible though compared to ours, like in the US, except in places like Scandinavia or Switzerland which are similar. This is why I hardly ever drink a brand, usually only when I'm on a trip and it's just more convenient to bring a bottle. Spa as a brand is pretty standard then, it's Belgian and widely available. Obviously, tea is hot, but I like it at any temperature. Just a tad under lukewarm would be best actually, as far as taste goes.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 05 May 2021