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DonFerrari said:

Nope not really. The gen Sony made more titles and sequels (PS3) the overall sales of SW was smaller than on PS4 when they made less sequels and total titles. It was already summarized here.

If they release half the number of total titles but about the same number of new IPs or at least same proportion it means they really are pushing for it as most as they can, as sure some titles will be sequels and some others are just series that doesn't make sense to finish to start another (like Gran Turismo and MLB).

Bold: To me, this is a null point. You may see a difference in software numbers currently but the position the PS3 and PS4 were in is very different. PS4 was successful very early and sold really fast. PS4 was at 40M when Uncharted 4 hit and almost 80M when GoW hit. PS3 was at 27M when Uncharted 2 landed and 36M when God of War 3 landed. In addition Sony is spending WAY more on marketing this generation than they did during the PS3 generation. They just aren't like for like scenarios, so drawing the conclusion "less software meant greater sales" is not appropriate.

I agree with the premise that you shouldn't barrage your customers with sequels to prevent IP fatigue. That is not an excuse to develop other IP's which can be in house or outsourced. 

The rest: Releasing less titles overall does not mean they are pushing for it as much as they can. During the PS3 era they were also developing games for the PSP (and ported those to PS2) which had prequels/sequels to established franchises and their own IP's. It was only the beginning of the PS4 era that they were developing for two platforms and they dropped that support quick. I don't think Sony is doing everything they can to develop new games and new IP's. I think that they are pouring everything into those hollywood esque AAA story based games and dropping support for smaller new IP's that could become established franchises just as the recent rumors suggest. 

If that is what you like, fine. Enjoy it. This isn't what got me to love the Playstation brand though.