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twintail said:
Machiavellian said:

Naw, episodic games isn't the same as keeping an IP.  Even this article shows Sony isn't against such a model, the only reason you do not see Sony actually doing it yet is because they do not have any games in their pipeline designed for it yet.

PSNOW is already a cloud based infrastructure, do not let the term cloud confuse you on what they actually mean by that term.

That article is over 8 years old. And in that time not only did Yoshida not green-light an episodic game (from what I can tell), he is also neither in charge of choosing 1st party or 3rd party projects. Will Hulst be different? Maybe. But Sony not having any episodic games in the pipeline is pretty indicative of their stance towards developing them: disinterest. 

As for cloud infrastructure, like I said: PS Now runs off PS3 and PS4 hardware (from what I believe). Until they can upgrade to PS5 hardware (which is clearly going to be an issue for a while) they can't really offer much in that field. Or Sony also lack the interest. 

Of course, anything could happen. That's life. 

True the article is old but what it means is that its not that Sony doesn't do episodic games, its that they do not have anything that currently fit the model.  Giving the right project they probably would have no problems in doing it but until that happens they would do what most companies do, wait for someone else to make it mainstream then jump in.

I would believe that if Sony would do it inhouse it would be a small team with something that works within the model but they probably just do not have anything they feel will work that way yet.  Also I believe you have to have a team dedicated to such a model because waiting years for the next episode is not ideal.  Anyway this is all speculation, until we see what Kojima actually comes out with we all could be guessing at nothing.

You do know that you can download your games from PSNow and not have to stream them.  Cloud just means the service is online that's pretty much about it, from there there are different types of Cloud services which PSNow does multiple.  PSNow can be the distribution service for games which means they do not have to be streamed, its really just like Gamepass.