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This vaccine panic in Europe and the US needs to STOP. It will only fuel anti-vaxxers and cause needless deaths and long Covid cases in excess of any potential issue with the vaccines by literally orders of magnitude. Stopping J&J because of a 0,0000882353% chance of clotting, are you fucking shitting me? If these people were in charge of Polio vaccination back in the 60s it would still be an endemic disease even now because there is a three in one million chance you are paralyzed from the vaccine.

Considering the issue is likely anti-spike antibodies combining with platelets due to similar antigenic sites, and the fact that the exact polyclonal response to a vaccine is unpredictable in any given individual, it's VERY likely that this rare side-effect is possible with literally every vaccine. So what are they going to do when Pfizer, Moderna, the Sputnik V, etc. eventually report the same issues? Stop all of them?