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I don't see the big deal about Sonic Adventure 3. I don't see why it would be much different from other 3D Sonic games of late, which range from pretty good (Generations) to bad (Forces). Putting the word adventure in the title won't make it good.

Leynos said:

As someone with nostalgia for those games. They are bad games. Then again ST keeps making bad games and people buy them so eh. Sonic 06 is SA3 TBH.

I disagree. I think that Sonic Adventure and 2 still hold up surprisingly well, at least in the segments where you play as Sonic or a character with similar gameplay. Some of the best 3D sonic levels, and they still understand that the point of Sonic is not to run as fast as you can at all time, but to limit you so that when you finally build your momentum, it feels satisfying.

The problem is that the element that made Sonic Adventure "adventure" (letting you play as all of his buddies) is the element of the game that worked the least. The tails/Amy levels in Adventure worked ok because they were like the Sonic levels but a little works. Shadow was sonic so his part worked too. Tails/Robotnik/E102 were ok for the time despite being dated by now cause they really needed some form of dual stick controls. The rest of the characters were kind of a chore to play through.

So, making the Sonic games more like Adventure isn't really going to fix what's broken.