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Ok so I read this article....and they're just using some computer with some cell processor, that I'm not sure is even the same model as is in the PS3. So in essence, why the fuck do I care? This doesn't mean my PS3 can locate oil, if just means that some computer with a few design specifications that sorta resemble my Ps3 can locate oil. It's like if everything with motion controls was atributed to be something the Wii did. Surgery is being done with motion controls from across the country, obviously this means the Wii is awesome, even though the motion controls were in no way related to the Wiimote and were actually far more precise and better (not a slight at the Wii, I just think the motion controls should be more exact before someone does surgery with them)

They need to quit making a big deal out of every use of the Cell, imo.
