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Politics Discussion - Brexit - View Post

JRPGfan said:

The truth of the matter is the UK doesnt allow any vaccines produced in the UK, to be exported.
Meanwhile the EU, does, and has shipped over 9m vaccines to the UK.

When will you stop spreading FUD?

The UK contract obligates AZ to give the UK priority over the first X million of doses through production facilities in both the UK and the EU. The EU contract doesn't make similar promises and does not prioritise the EU because guess what? AZ could only give the priority once to one buyer, first come first serve basis and the UK was first, that's what priority means after all.

The EU was looking for cheap deals, the UK was looking for the best deal. No fishy business here. 

Moreover, the UK doesn't prohibit vaccines from being shipped out, a lie. The reason why it looks this way is because the contract we signed forces AZ to serve the UK first, as a result, 0 vaccines were shipped from the UK to the EU because we're still the priority customer by the laws of the contract we singed, so we also get vaccines from the EU as AZ knows that whatever it signed with the UK is legally binding.

The USA made similar deals with its vaccines maker, promised them deregulation and funding and signed early contracts that obligate them to serve the USA first, so the USA produced vaccines aren't being shipped out, shocker. 

On other hand, the EU contract doesn't obligate AZ to give the EU the same premium treatment that we got, as AZ naturally promised the EU it will try with "best reasonable efforts" as AZ can only do after making legal commitments to the UK. That's why AZ isn't worried about going to court nor the EU is trying make this into a legal battle. 

Playing the victim you say..... The EU wants the UK/USA-like premium service without actually making the effort to get that sort of service. It wants to sell its people the lie that the vaccines produced in Europe are making their out of the continent because of the EU kindness and not because of their terrible laughable late deals. It also wants you to believe that the UK is actively stopping the vaccines from being shipped out when in fact, we're just reaping the reward of signing contracts quickly and swiftly. 

Between the UK and EU, only one of them is actively stopping the vaccines from being shipped out with political interference, and it's not us, we only want what we paid and signed for. The EU wants what it didn't pay for and they're trying to get it by force, it's borderline dictatorial.

And just like Flinten-Uschi (thanks Rol), you're crying "injustice" when in fact, you're behind because the EU was looking for Black Friday deals from vaccine makers, then you dare accuse the UK playing the victim when we're literally minding our own business