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I voted for 190-200 mil. because I think the Switch Pro will be a substantial upgrade, many will upgrade and substantial more new consumers will come on board (also 2-4 Switches per family with Switch Light at $120-150 and original Switch at $200-250 after some price cuts). Further, I think we will have another upgrade to the Switch Light which makes it more attractive and brings in people who stayed away from the current Switch Light because of various reasons.

The run with the Nintendo Switch is just amazing, the most enjoyable ride in the console world so far for me. Just think about it, when the Switch was announced some thought it will be a turd like the Wii U, some where guessing if it can sell 30 mil., then later we guessed if it can crack 50 mil., then 80 mil., then people guessed if it can outsell the Wii (people where laughed at first who came up with that guess) to become the most successful Nintendo home console, then if it can outsell the PS4 (again people where laughed at first), then some where speculating if it can become the most successful console of all times, outselling the DS and PS2, again, first, people coming with that numbers where laughed at and now? The numbers of believers increase each day!