AngryLittleAlchemist said: Has anyone here been playing Ghost N Goblins Resurrection? Looks like an interesting game but given the iffy reputation about how fair GnG is or is not I'm hesitant to buy it without first knowing others opinions. Plus it's still kind of expensive. I know from at least one acquaintance that it surprised them by how great it is and that it actually looks good in person, but I don't know how others feel. |
While I haven't played it myself, I watched my little brother do a full playthrough of it. It's well made for what it is but ruthlessly, mercilessly hard. Luckily, there is a mode with endless lives where you start right where you died, so as you push through if you have enough patience.
Depends on how you go with frustration; if the thought of being killed ten times in the space of 5 minutes puts you off, avoid. If you're the kind of person who likes games like Dark Souls, you'll probably love it.