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mrstickball said: NDS - 8,950,000 Wii - 5,500,000 PSP - 2,900,000 PS3 - 2,150,000 PS2 - 1,500,000 X360 - 365,000 (far above what you had. It's easily tracking to get between 340-375k) Software: Wii Sports - 3,250,000 Dragon Quest IX - 3,150,000 Wii Play - 2,150,000 SSBB - 2,150,000 Final Fantasy XII: RW - 1,650,000 Big Brain Academy - 1,450,000 Dragon Quest: Swords - 1,300,000 Monster Hunter Portable - 1,250,000 Super Paper Mario - 1,050,000 NSMB - 1,025,000
x360 sales would keep plummetting with time.....last week the sales dropped to 3500. LOST ODYSSEY wont do anything .....cause when it comes out MGS4 and DQ would be out already. I seriously doubt LO would be even released in JAPAN. i put x360 at 200k max...........and ps3 at 3--4 m.