New Pokemon Snap still looks cool.
I don't have strong feelings about Brilliant Diamond in the sense that I don't think Gen 4 is a particularly great generation, but I am looking forward to playing the game at a decent speed, so maybe I'll appreciate some of it more by revisiting it, I like the look of the overworld areas, the battle scenery and models could use some more polish tho.
Legends Arceus I'm curious about, I don't think making Pokemon open world just because that is seen as the way for an RPG to progress is inherently going to do it any favors, but if they can pull something cool out of it, props to that, the designs of the wild areas in the Sword and Shield DLC showed that Game Freak can do interesting designs out of an relatively small open area, but it will remain to be seen if that translates well over this game, at least the core gameplay looks to be the same, just more seamless in catching and battle transitions.
It was a pretty good Direct. Cable Cable Cable Cable.