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DK3 is one of my favourites. I preferred it over DK2 and its arguable over which is better out of DK1 and DK3 in my opinion.
I really love the world, the music and the secrets etc. It just seems very memorable to me. Upgrading the hover craft to eventuality fly was awesome. It had a lot of cool elements.
Also its just super relaxing to play.

I believe when DK1 and DK2 came out, i was still very young and i played the trilogy with my older brother who loves DK2 as his favorite out of the lot. For me, i believe i played DK3 at a perfect age where i had more understanding and better skills to actually enjoy it more and i definitely did. Its a lot more memorable for me and i could say the entire trilogy is just a master piece in their own ways. My brother and i, grind all 3 games and found every secret, from 101% with the first game, to 102% the second game to 103% the third game. It was very rewarding at the time, before the days of Youtube and Achievement systems were even a thought. All you had was a file on the cartridge to show for it and it was something to be proud of.

I consider the DKC trilogy as one of the best gaming trilogies ever made. 

I still own the originals too.

Last edited by Azzanation - on 07 February 2021