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SvennoJ said:

Same here, they're already starting to warn about the variations potentially triggering a third wave. Atm cases are coming down with the lock downs. (Or rather closures, nothing is locked down, weird term. Curb side pickup and limited amount of people inside stores is the reality) Soon schools will re-open (10th) while the spread of the UK variant is still not widely known.

As for travel, Canadians need to cut it out as well. Over a million traveled through the 'lock downs' over the holidays. And a little update about the family that vacationed in Colombia over Christmas, the dad (50) died yesterday. They were 2 bays over from my wife when she went to the hospital for blood pressure problems. Luckily they are really really careful in the ER, constant cleaning and she could only tell the staff apart by their ear rings.

Yeah lockdown means differnt things, differnt places.

In denmark unless its a supermarket (food items only), or medicin at a apothecary..... you cant enter a store.

Some stores are still open online, where you can shop for items (and have them delivered to your home).
Some few exceptions are made, for "curb side pickup"
(but again this requires you to order online, their not allowed to have you inside to pay, at a cash register or such).

Not sure how many danes are traveling, but I would respect a total ban on vacationing.
We ve started (not sure how long ago) demanding negative tests to be allowed to fly back, and madatory quarantineing of people when they get here (x days + negative test, before being allowed to leave). (again theres exceptions to like truck drivers that bring items accross borders and such)

Its a mess....
Who woulda guessed a virus would be so hard to deal with.