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Whelp, I'm liking VGR so far! It's an interesting place. I'd describe the gamer demography there as more, if you will, jockish than nerdy. Ya know, the main page is all about sports sims, Call of Duty, and various MMOs, that sorta thing, there's a dedicated eSports forum that's not really my bag personally, and conversely I haven't seen any discussion of Japanese child sexploitation games and I seem to be the only member who knows that Okami is available on the Switch and PlayStation 4. I'm probably among the very most obsessive and knowledgeable gamers there, whereas I think I might be in the bottom 50% here. There are lots of retro gamers there too and lots of fun "what's the best X in games?" type of threads like are common here. There are also lots of forum games and a whole, dedicated Member Interviews sub-forum where you can post an "Ask [Your Screen Name Here]" thread that functions like your own personal Q&A so people can get to know each other quickly and mess with each other and such.

Something else I've noticed about it is that I just don't see any real fights breaking out. There are disagreements, but things invariably stay civil. The mood is lighter. There's zero console warring I've seen as yet, for example, and political discussions don't seem to generate name-calling or bans ever. People joke around a lot. There's a somewhat more casual ambience I guess is what I'm getting at that seems to render the atmosphere more relaxed. *shrugs* Maybe that's just what I need and didn't realize it until now actually.

Demographically speaking, one-third of VGR members are female according to their member survey, and I've seen more than one besides myself around already. Their age survey suggests the age skew to be slightly younger than here, with the average contributor being between 25 and 30 (as compared with 32 here according to our member survey on the subject from last summer). But whereas I think I might be the oldest still-active contributor to VGC right now, there is one active user on VGR who's a year older than me (it's the awesome Satanist lady I mentioned in earlier post), so that helps me psychologically.

The mods have also quickly proven to be very helpful to me. For example, when I first joined, I accidentally included a typo in my screen name and the moderator who I talked to about it immediately contacted the administrator and the typo was removed just for me even though you're not supposed to be able to change screen names. So I had a positive impression right from the outset.

Long story short, I think this was the right choice and would recommend VGR to anyone who's looking for fun and relaxed gaming (and other, but mainly gaming) discussions. Seriously.