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Well, wish me luck folks, I'm going on a date tomorrow night with a girl I've been talking to over text for a few weeks; she seems really nice, and is accepting of the fact I have autism, in fact she suspects she may also have a slight form of it. She's from China originally but has been living here for 5 years, we share interests in film and documentaries, and so far we seem to really be hitting it off.

I'm extremely nervous as we're going out to dinner and I haven't done that since before the pandemic, as my OCD is in overdrive since covid, but it's been 3 weeks since there were any cases in my state so it should be safe.

VAMatt said:

If you're a 2/10, you can't expect to land a 7 or 8.  

I don't entirely agree; I think I'm about a 4/10 but of the three women I've been with in my life I'd rate them all at least a 8/10, there were all way out of my league in terms of looks at least.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 27 January 2021