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VAMatt said:
Phoenix20 said:

Dating apps/sites are a complete waste of time, 80 to 90% of guys get no matches. Paying for upgrades is a waste of money and will not make any difference. The only matches most of us guys get are from bots or scammers. 

From what I've seen, essentially 100% of people that are willing to take advice and put work into online dating have success with it.  Its people that refuse to listen to the people that are good at, refuse to date people that aren't 9/10, or won't put in any work that don't do well.  I've obviously only seen a handful of people directly.  But, through the grapevine it has become very clear to me that online dating works for anyone that has reasonable standards and is open to advice.  

If you only swipe (or message) 3 hot chicks per day, and you're not super attractive (either physically or on paper) yourself, that's not going to work.  You have to hit 50 or 100 people per day.  If you haven't dated lately, you have to go out with anyone that will agree to date you so that you can get some practice.  If you're a 2/10, you can't expect to land a 7 or 8.  Do those things, get good pictures, work on profile language, change your messaging text until you find stuff that works, put an hour a day into it, and you'll get some action.  Do that long enough, and you'll get better and better, and you'll be able to move up in quality of person that you're dating.  

I have to agree with this because I know too many people who met on these online dating sites and are married to the person they met.  That does not mean everyone get married but it does seem like you can meet a lot more and interact with a lot more women or men whatever your preference and either have serious relationships or casual, depends on what you want.  My brother has used a few of them and currently been in a relationship with the same woman for the last 2 years, probably would get married if he wasn't so scared by his first one.

Anyway I would say the online dating sites work but you do have to put in the work and be clear at what you want.