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WhatsApp told its two billion users they must allow it to share data with its parent company Facebook if they wished to continue using it, and initially gave people until 8 February to accept its updated terms or stop using the service. After seeing rivals (Signal and Telegrams) download numbers soar, WhatsApp has now changed the cut-off date to 15 May, saying it would use the time to clear up misinformation. Signal is currently experiencing technical difficulties as it's the number of downloads jumped considerably.

I find it funny this was the straw the broke the camel back, but I am happy seeing my Signal contacts list growing daily, managed to migrate 2 work-related groups to Signal. I can use it on my PC, Android and iPad (thank god). I only use my iPad at work and Whatsapp slow roll out of features meant it was the last messaging platform to offer a PC client and they still haven't given iPad users the option to use it on our tablets... no ONLINE status nonsense either. 

It's amazing how dominant WhatsApp has been despite being the worst, while I managed to stay off Facebook and Instagram, my hands were twisted to keep WhatsApp as it's the App most used at work....

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 16 January 2021