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My country, Switzerland, was the laughing 3rd in WWII, whole Europe was crashed but the Nazis and Jews had their money in our Swiss banks. Obviously, the Nazis couldn't attack the one country that stashed their money. Of course, the Swiss bank played their evil part in the aftermath and kept the money of the murdered Jews and didn't want to know anything of their surviving dependants who would have a rightful claim of the money. Of course, they wanted to keep it for themselves. In recent times, Switzerland payed hundreds of millions to the Jews as reparation.

Despite the evil part the Swiss banks and some other Swiss players played in WWII I think Switzerland, a tiny little country, did act correctly during WWII in order to not be completely destroyed by a gigantic and powerful Nazi regime. And anybody thinking otherwise, should go and *beep* themselves, or better, should be dropped out into the crossfire of a battlefield!