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People comparing total awards across the years are incredibly dense for two reasons:

1. Fluctuation in number of awards given each year.
2. Competition between games released each year.

It's so weird seeing people ranking the total amount of awards won across each year like that's a valid list, it's nonsense and if that's what fans of The Last of Us: Part II are clinging to in order to validate or ratify their own taste and appreciation of that game then that says it all about the insecurity of the fanbase.

As for The Last of Us: Part II winning a majority of the 2020 GOTY awards, of course it's dominating, it had no strong competition other than an indie game and historically indies have rarely won a majority of GOTY awards in any given year.

Well done to Naughty Dog and all that but that still doesn't stop it being a divisive game many didn't like and the damage it has done to the franchise & studio outweigh bragging rights to dominating a lacklustre year.