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I think PS5 sales will shrink and XBOX/PC sales increase as more publishers announce their games will be coming to Gamepass. EA already happened with Ubisoft more than likely next. Who knows who will come after that? And that's not even including if MS buys up studios that wouldn't have come to Gamepass otherwise.

PS5 will for sure beat Xbox this year, and perhaps every year, but I don't think it has a chance of hitting PS4 numbers because so many of these studios are only going to make maybe 1 more game that's multiplat before going Xbox/PC exclusive. That WILL impact down-the-line sales from the non-fanboys who wait until a console is out for 2-4 years before purchasing one. They will compare the catalogues and realize there really is only one choice when it comes to quantity of quality exclusives (unless they are so enamored by some Sony ip's that they can't resist the PS5, but if they were they probably would have bought the system before anyway).