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How much longer until people start to listen

Premier Doug Ford delivered a grim warning Friday as COVID-19 cases in Ontario surge to unprecedented levels. He said that if basic public health measures “continue to be ignored” in the province, the consequences “will be dire.” “The shutdown won’t end at the end of January, and we will have to look at more extreme measures,” he said.

Ontario shattered its COVID-19 record Friday as more than 4,200 cases were logged, citing a data backlog that accounts for about 450 of the new infections. However, even if those 450 cases were removed from Friday’s total there would still be a record 3,799 new infections logged.

The steady rise continues, hospitals are nearly at capacity. Despite testing having more than doubled since August, positivity rate has gone up from 0.3% to currently averaging 6%. Instead of slowing down our growth rates are still increasing despite everything having been closed since boxing day. Hopefully it's mostly back log from the holidays, but it's not looking good. Our Spring peak was in the 400s and yesterday the province logged 89 more deaths, surpassing the province's all-time record of 84 deaths recorded on April 30.

Meanwhile the UK logged 1,162 deaths yesterday, Germany 1,059. (Italy peaked at 921 first peak, 993 second peak)