RolStoppable said: It's time to move on to 2021. The new year gets kicked off with a slight plus over the previous year and the different alignment of days might further aid 2021 to get off to a good start. It would be shocking if any Switch game released in the future turns out to be as big as Animal Crossing, so it's unlikely that 2021 will be bigger than 2020 was. I set the target for 2021 at 5.0m, so that's the figure I will keep in mind to judge whether or not Switch is on a good pace.
Looking at 2021, I think it will beat 2020 regularly for the first 11 weeks, but then once it starts competing with Animal Crossing things will swing the other way quick. Monster Hunter Rise releases one week later than Animal Crossing so we can see how the two games compare in terms of moving hardware in the spring. While MHR should certainly be big in Japan, I doubt it will last quite as long as AC in terms of hardware selling effect. I don't anticipate the shortages like last year so 2021 will likely take the 2020 shortage weeks (e.g, weeks 15 & 16) though.
Overall, I see no reason the Switch can't beat your 5M target, perhaps by quite a bit. I'll guess 5.5 million for 2021.
Switch: SW-3707-5131-3911
XBox: Kenjabish