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method114 said:
Dulfite said:

There are definitely differences in work ethic across continents. Asians work, and are okay with working, more than any other continent. I believe there were protests in Japan celebrating the new Emperor when they imposed workers take days off work. 

Americans work less than Asians for sure (I think around 40 hours on average last I checked), and Europeans work even less on average (like 34 hours per week). So 1 year of development in the US is more like 1.17 years in Europe. Asians work I think over 50 hours a week on average. And that's just their hours worked, not even comparing mental focus, there is definitely going to be a difference in productivity between Japanese developers and a Polish one.

Yea I got into these videos about what it's like to live life as a black person in Japan (don't ask how). It's great youtube channel though and I got obsessed with watching it. 

One of the people they interviewed talked about how the worst thing about it is the mindset people have in Japan about working. He said people would look down on him because he had hobbies outside of work. That people would just ask why not work more if you have the time.

He actually ended up having to leave his company and find a place that was a little more western in their work habits. 

That is interesting! Cultural differences are fascinating!