Otter said:
The decline from PS3 to PS4 ( less than 10%) is worlds apart from the decline from PS2 to PS3 ( more than 100%). I don't think anyone (not even sony) is expecting to turn things around, but more consolidate their audience and move towards a natural plateau where they maintain a core market presence. Commercially it just doesn't make sense for Sony to shape hardware around the Japanese market alone when they're now globally making more money then ever through doing the opposite. What they do have compared to PS4 is a more compelling software line up. |
Bofferbrauer beat me to it, but given PS4 is looking to outsell PS3 by over 30 million globally, selling less in Sony's home country isn't a good outcome. And as Mnementh points out, a lot of Japan's medium sized third party software that used to be exclusive to the PS ecosystem is moving away from this as it's becoming less and less viable to only sell on PS in a market that is increasingly dominated by the Switch. And a lot of Asia seems to have similar tastes to Japan.
There will still be a place for PS5, but it will be interesting to see where the plateau you mention will sit in the end, if PS5 continues the decline seen since PS2.
Last edited by curl-6 - on 29 December 2020