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SvennoJ said:

12.4 million vs 15.9 million.

Afaik the idea behind this line of thought was, why not drop consoles, most sales are on PC. They would be dropping 15.9 million sales, 56% of the numerical sales in W3 terms. And sure they take 100% of the cut on GoG, however W3 is $16 there currently (70% off), $44 on Steam, actually $12 on XBox, full price on PSN and Nintendo. Apart from sales (currently on sale on XBox) digital games are usually much more expensive on consoles.

Why bother with PC, same reason, 44% is still nearly half and as you said, better margins. The biggest difference is far fewer margin sucking physical editions on PC. You could ask, why bother releasing on Switch with only 800K sales (probably more now). 800K times $60 revenue generated.

It would be interesting to know how many copies were sold in China. No clue.

Anyway CDPR explained TW3 wouldn't have been possible (as it is) without console sales

Oh this popped up as well, I assume these aren't counted, although who knows with CDPR nowadays...

When you have to combine last gen systems vs an ever ongoing platform, yes, but two of those are now in the past, while PC sales will continue to add.

That's still also factoring in 30% cut from those console storefronts btw.

What I was trying to get at primarily was "who's more important than the other, that you could simply just eventually drop one in favor of the other?", because that's what I tend to get when it comes to sales talk on this site, since it's not good enough to be less than 50%, you've got to be around 70-90% to be at the top and thus be the primary target consumer base.

Another thing is I look at CDPR like I look at Valve, they both started out a companies that made games on PC, they eventually spread out to consoles, but afatg, they both still cater primarily to that platform.

Yes CDPR will spin that PR, and just like what we've recently been hearing from them, I'm wondering if anyone should take their words for granted. Without their first foray into making games, we wouldn't even have a Cyberpunk or Witcher series, had it not been for PC sales in the first place for the first two games.

Free copies afaik wouldn't be counted as "sold".

Recently we've also had the pre-orders split as well:

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"