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Jranation said:
Cobretti2 said:

You know what I will give them some credit.

At least they apologised.

Now the reason I am giving them some credit because when Nintendo console gets a dog pile of shit and gamers don't buy it, oh the console has "no Audience" rather than sorry we fucked up thinking Nintendo gamers are stupid and will buy it anyway.

Now how I feel, they should have put out an early copy to say 1000 gamers on each system (based on some criteria, maybe hours spent playing witcher 3) and just delayed it to 2021 and let the small user base find all the bugs and fixe them.

They only apologised because everyone was shitting them. Like how when someone breaks the law or did something bad only apologise because they got caught. They know what they were doing. 

Nintendo gamers do the same o the poor efforts by 3rd parties, but they still get the fuck you, you guys suck and hate our games no more of our games on Nintendo system, instead of wow maybe we went too far by cutting corners and content, we shouldn't do it again.