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shikamaru317 said:
DonFerrari said:

A fair review is a review on how the game was on launch.

Sure a game can be revisited to discuss how it is months after release, but metacritic won't be changed by it. Driveclub and Halo Master Chief Collection are two clear examples of this, No Man Sky and others as well.

Fair would be CDPR not releasing a broken game charging full price and asking for second chance.

What I mean by fair is not overly weighting the performance issues and bugs. Anybody giving this game anything lower than a 6/10 currently is truly insane imo, especially those are rating it lower than that on PC. Obviously the bugs and performance issues should factor into the reviews to a degree, especially on console since they are most noticeable there, but the bugs and performance issues are in no way, shape, or form significant enough to knock say 3/10 points off your score, especially if you are playing on PC or Xbox Series/PS5 via BC. 

I would say on the current state of this game, crashing a lot, bugs all over the place, framerate consistently below 25 and staying a lot even lower than 20, sections where the game stops for 1min, vaseline looks, etc any other game you would have zero problem giving it below 6.

Well you yourself if I'm not wrong have said for you the best PS4 exclusive is GoW and you rated it a 7/10, and for TLOU2 I don't remember you scoring it above 7/10, nor SM. And these games are smoothier, prettier and without bugs and crashes gallore of this game.

So if CDPR wanted the game not to be reviewed based on all these shortcomings they shouldn't have released the game with all of them. You liking the game doesn't make the scores needing to be bigger even with so much flaws. I'm much more concerned with so many critics giving 10/10 even recognizing the game is full of flaws but that they expect those to be corrected at some point, that isn't a fair review at all, that is pandering at best.

The game released on PS4 and X1 shall be evaluated on those systems not on Series X or PS5. Whenever they release those consoles version sure review on those and probably by that time they will have solved most bugs, crashes, performance issues, etc one would hope then the score could be higher.

What you want isn't a fair review, you want everyone giving it a free pass. Just as much as a 6/10 score for the PC version is truly out of the average (and from what I saw and read it is a 85-95 game depending on what you look, and sure you could even defend a 75-80 if the reviewer gave true reasons for it, I doubt it can be defended though), over 6/10 on consoles is the out of average. Because truly the game is broke.

Please defend this shouldn't take major points from the console version:

This is just atrocious.

Last edited by DonFerrari - on 17 December 2020

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."