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JRPGfan said:
RolStoppable said:

Is it that much of a bother that the XSX|S hasn't flopped hard?

Its just the xbox being down, this gen, compaired to last gen, isnt even the real story.

So no, its not a "bother".

I was pointing out, the need to downplay, why the xbox series x+s did poorly, by him, was unnessary.

The real story, is the success of the PS5 (beating the PS4).
(not compaired to series x+s, but by beating the insane performance the PS4 had at launch last gen).

PS5 also set a record, for highest unit+dollar sales, for controllers for a console, in history.


RolStoppable said:
JRPGfan said:

Its just the xbox being down, this gen, compaired to last gen, isnt even the real story.

So no, its not a "bother".

I was pointing out, the need to downplay, why the xbox series x+s did poorly, by him, was unnessary.

The real story, is the success of the PS5 (beating the PS4).
(not compaired to series x+s, but by beating the insane performance the PS4 had at launch last gen).

PS5 also set a record, for highest unit+dollar sales, for controllers for a console, in history.

There hasn't been a leak regarding what Xbox actually sold, so calling it "poorly" is wishful thinking on your part. Likewise, what you call "downplay" is a reasonable explanation.


RolStoppable said:
JRPGfan said:

The downplay, I mentioned, wasnt towards xbox series x+s sales.
But the way he congratulated sony on the PS5 sales.

smroadkill15 said:

Congrats to Sony for doing a better job at having more consoles manufactured.
This just means the Series X/S has had more of a supply constraint and with launching in 37 countries vs 13 for the X1, led to less consoles being sold in those 13 countries compared to X1, but more Series X consoles were sold worldwide compared to X1. If you look at the worldwide numbers sold at launch, Series X only sold about 100k-200k more than the X1 worldwide, so I felt like this was the obvious conclusion, but I guess not.

^ this is downplaying, what Sony did.

Sony beat their own PS4 launch records.
I dont care about him explaining why the xbox did poorly (its down 30%+ compaired to launch of Xbox One, most places).
What I care about is, its totally missing the point that Sony did something impressive.

Basically sony come out by selling the most a console ever has in history (at a console launch).
And its "well thats only because xbox had production issues, and started later"

You can see why I go huh? thats not the story.

Your mind is playing tricks on you. It has combined different posts from different people and now you see the same thing everywhere even when it's not there.

What you have in the post is:

1. Why Sony managed to beat their previous numbers in the USA.

2. Why Microsoft didn't manage to beat their previous numbers in the USA.

What you see is, "This is why Xbox didn't beat PS."

So lets go back to the original posts that started this, so we can see "who mixed things up" and has a mind thats playing tricks on them.

smroadkill15 said:

Congrats to Sony for doing a better job at having more consoles manufactured.
This just means the Series X/S has had more of a supply constraint and with launching in 37 countries vs 13 for the X1, led to less consoles being sold in those 13 countries compared to X1, but more Series X consoles were sold worldwide compared to X1. If you look at the worldwide numbers sold at launch, Series X only sold about 100k-200k more than the X1 worldwide, so I felt like this was the obvious conclusion, but I guess not.

To which my reply is below (inside your quote):

RolStoppable said:
JRPGfan said:

Thats not the story.
The story is its outselling the PS4 at launch, in basically every region in the world when compaired.

nvm the Series X+S being down most regions, compaired to the Xbox One launch.

Is it that much of a bother that the XSX|S hasn't flopped hard?

The logic follows:

1) Smroad downplays what Sony did, by saying "Congrats to Sony for doing a better job at having more consoles manufactured."

2) I reply "thats not the story" , but how well the PS5 did compaired to the PS4.

3) you reply to that, "is it much of a bother that XSX/S, hasnt flopped hard?"

4) I reply to you (the bother quote):  
"no, its not a "bother". I was pointing out, the need to downplay, and why the xbox series x+s did poorly, by him, was unnessary."

5) to which you reply: "hasnt been leaks of what xbox sold" +  "Likewise, what you call "downplay" is a reasonable explanation."

Step 5) here is where the issue pops up.

You think, when I say "downplay" about Smroadkill15, its about the sales of the Xbox.
But its not, its about him downplaying the success the PS5 had.

we talked past each other.

Then you reply this:

6) "your mind is playing tricks on you" quote.