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Ka-pi96 said:

How do people get your Steam password?

Just had an email about a login attempt for my account from Palestine. But I don't even know what my password is so how on earth do they?

Some possibilities:

  • Probably the main way to learn someone's password is through a breach from another service. If you use the same password for multiple services and its gets leaked from one of them (it actually happens relatively often), you should assume you're going to lose all the other accounts using the same password unless you change their password. This is also the reason you should never, ever, use the same password for different services/accounts.
  • It's possible to automate guessing and guess the password if the password is easy enough. If you want to be anywhere safe, pick a password that's at least ten characters long. Less might be OK if the password is totally random, but as processing power increases, so do the requirements for safe passwords.
  • Some kind of password recovery functionality might enable this, e.g. if the attacker has access to your email account (but sometimes even contacting customer support could be enough for the attacker).
  • You have a virus on your device and it's logging your keypresses. This is not exactly likely, but it's possible.
  • There's probably a bunch of other ways as well.

If you need to, use a password manager to make it easier to use a different password for each service/account and to ensure that even strong passwords (e.g. long ones consisting of random characters only) are practical.