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Conina said:
Captain_Yuri said:

Here's something that's weird...

One of developers of Dragon Quest XI S on PC has posted/pinned a tread on how to close the game on steam... in 20 different languages... And the way they suggest it is to press the Alt F4 command instead of you know... The Exit Game button which they put in...

Do some PC gamers really go through menues to exit a game instead of just hitting Alt-F4?

Personally I do it in case the developer wants to perform some finishing actions when the game is being closed but either hasn't or can't take into account using Alt + F4, in which case Alt + F4 would prevent said finishing actions from being performed. It's kind of the same reason I don't turn off my PC by holding down the power button (but of course if something happens to go wrong, the damage is greater with the power button than it is with Alt + F4). I do wish Alt + F4 was a way I could safely rely on though.