Not sure why that one guy tries to point out 10-12 million like its some error. PS4 MHW is already nearing 9 million. It will easily reach 10 million before MHW2 lmao
More leaked sales
Okami HD
Switch - 600K
PC - 536K
PS3 - 529K
PS4 - 445K
X1 - 121K
PS: Nintendo : PC : XB
44 : 27 : 24 : 5
PS software sales almost bigger than all other platforms combined.
We already saw this with MHW, where PS4 sales (53%) was greater than everything else combined. Its no wonder Capcom and Playstation have gotten very close the past gen: Capcoms entire bottom line relies more on PS than everything else combined.
I'd expect things to be even more skewed to Playstation for Square Enix