Otter said:
Probably different parts of the game |
If it is bugs we are talking about and not overall performance, that is possible. I have not seen any major bugs, but I made sure to play hours before the patch came out. The difference was jarringly better in both modes. Like I said, on the Series X anyway, the performance is solid all around.
General bugs within the game outside of that, I cannot account for because of the reason you said. I also cannot account for the PS5, but I have heard some not so great things. All I am saying is that the performance has been greatly improved on the X based on my own experience.
The game does clearly still needs polish in a lot of areas outside of that, it was rushed to hell. If anything, this just goes to show that these rushed cross gen games were never a good benchmark for comparison in the first place.
Last edited by Shiken - on 27 November 2020