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- Varied, engaging, fun, challenging, no useless mindless bots. Boss fight after boss fight.
- Easy to pick up, I appreciate games that allow to play quick sessions and turn off your console and go back to work. However, since the PlayStation 2 era, there has been an increasing number of games that require you to be a lifeless hobo to get to enjoy those game. There are not enough games that respect the busy gamer, it's only gotten worse with the 7th generation. 

- 10/10, unique, futuristic & apoplectic.

- The game is beautiful on every device you choose to play it on, a testament to an art-style that is objectively

- Minimalist, not in your face, and no endless texts to go through
- Most games don't have a good story to tell, it's just a fact, so a non-invasive approach to story-telling is always preferred by me. Invasive and interruptive story-telling is only acceptable if you're telling a story that can easily make it into a critically acclaimed movie or a decent novel, if not, just don't bother wasting your limited resources on telling a story that's generic.

More games like FURI and more challenging platformers is my wish for next gen.

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 14 November 2020