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My take.. maybe, maybe not.. but xbox isn't really in a position to play the waiting game this gen due to the drubbing they got last gen. yes, gamepass.. awesome, but still got drubbed overall by sony and ninty last gen, and not just by a little. Perception is key, as yes, third party can sustain between the droughts of first party stuff, but when you need to prove your first party stuff is worth buying their console for (and a new console) and you really have nothing to show, especially at launch.. that's going to play big into that perception.  And when you have the most powerful console but nothing that can show what a most powerful console can do.. 

Makes no sense to buy a shiny new box to continue to play stuff I can already play with what I already have. Xbox needed to ball out right out of the gate.. time will tell if this hurts the perception.

Last edited by BillyBong - on 13 November 2020

Man.. I hate it when your girl has to leave my place to come back to you..