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farlaff said:

Man, again, this is awesome! Thank you so very much, this is just the kind of help I was looking for and could not get elsewhere. I'm trying to reinstall, use Loot (great name btw) and then clean the master files as a video pointed out for a cleaner start, so fingers crossed.

I really enjoyed the family and constructing part that came with Hearthfire, easily where I spent the most time and got most enjoyment, so I was eager to try the Wyvern Rock Castle and would ask if you can suggest any mod like it for residences, marriage, adoption and so on that you might have tried.

Also, is ENB compatible with the 2K textures pack or does ENB render the other useless? And what are your favourite immersion ones?

And I will sure come back with more questions. ;) 


ENB doesn't conflict with much of anything, it's mostly a reshader applied to change colors, lighting, and various ambient and post-processing effects, the results are staggering though. Some ENB's can take a toll on your system though, it typically adds more load on your GPU, but they won't wreck it on their own (my GPU is six years old and runs them fine). I use mine with night mods that change the nights and caves to make them darker, as well as pretty up the sky (I can't quite recall their names though, been a couple of years since I installed them last). Note that almost all Reshade/ENB require AA to be turned off, the effects are usually built into the Reshade and these will often conflict with the vanilla engine rendering the same effects. The vast majority of mesh and texture mods will have no issues with Reshades since they're separate parts of the rendering process. ENB and reshader can produce some incredible visual upgrades at a fairly low cost. Look at this image for instance (note that there are probably some texture mods applied as well though, but look at the ambiance and lighting in that image):

Here is the main page for ENB at Nexusmods, ranked by endorsements. I use the very first one, I see it has recently been updated.

You'll need the ENB itself before you get a Reshade, the ENB can be found here:

A description of how to install ENB and Reshade filters, don't worry, it's not as difficult as it might seem to begin with:

Here's a bunch of immersion and content mods that I've used and enjoyed, in no particular order: (old but should still work, and it's a great one!) (addon to the previous one) (also on the older side, but should still work as intended) (adds new dungeons basement levels in many places) (Immersive Armor is essential in my opinion, old but works!) (blood textures, they go really well with the increased chaos of Wildcat and similar mods) (massive texture pack, fixes a horde of textures without and issues) (old but works, also texture based) (Sneak Tools is essential if you want to play a stealth character or thief)

My favorite player homes: (this is a reworked Breezehome, it looks amazing and has more storage plus room for more special items as well) (Elysium Estate is easily among the best player homes made for Skyrim SE, but some find it unbalanced since it's basically free (you find the key outside the house) (Frostvale Estate is really well made, lore-friendly and a tad more balanced since it requires that you actually purchase it, it can be bought by activating the plaque outside the house)