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Mummelmann said:

Modding is not that hard, not really. What you want to use are mods that have a lot of endorsements and downloads, they're usually more compatible. And there are also mod packs that combine various mods, ensuring they don't collide or cause issues. The most buggy mods are usually various player homes or major settlement changes since they mess with terrain, AI threads, and various aspects of the physics engine.

I had my last playthrough with about 160 mods and plugins installed, it worked just fine.

Examples of mods I use:

ENB improvement - trust me, a good ENB will transform the game, and most of the bigger ones cover the DLC as well. I recently used SkyrimSE Re-Engaged ENB, and Verdant Grass plugin, Skyrim Flora Overhaul, and Realistic Water Two (note that Verant has not been updated for some time, I also used Dolomite Weathers, but it might be outdated, there are plenty others to choose from for weather effects).

Some other must haves for me are;

Open Cities - this mod removes loading between entering and exiting cities, it's compatible with more or less everything and it works wonders for immersion!

Unofficial Skyrim SE patch - goes without saying, it's considered essential.

SKY UI - just get it, it fixes the atrocious console adapted UI of the game!

Alternate Start - Live Another Life; this mod sends you to a small chamber where you can choose how you wish to start, it's excellent for second, third, fourth etc. characters when you're getting real tired of that prologue level. The variations are good and I consider this an essential mod.

Combat mods I use as base are Wildcat, Combat Evolved, Mortal Enemies, Realistic Melee Range, No BS AI Projectile Dodge and Realistic AI Detection. Some things all these mods together fixes are the general weight of fighting, movements and moves of the AI, impact and shock, critical hit systems and general balancing of damage output for all, including the AI. You'll deal more damage, but also receive more, so your skill level becomes more important, you need to time attacks and blocks properly and really watch out for archers! You can whack most beginner mobs with one decent hit of a two-handed weapon, but they can possibly do the same. Range, timing and overall weight become factors and combat is transformed completely!

Run For Your Lives - this mod solves a massive issue in the original game revolving around NPC's bumbling about outside when dragons or vampires attack, leading to many of them dying, uncluding merchants and semi-essential NPC's that might have sidequests. Handy and removes a huge annoyance.

Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim, this mod reworks the rather weak skill and perk system in the vanilla game, adding perks and skill modifiers to make more sense and ultimiately have more impact on gameplay.

Skyrim Recycling, this mod allows you to melt down various items that would otherwise be meaningless junk, so many items you can pick up are worth nothing. this is an excellent mod if and when you want to level up smithing, and it can provide you with materials that ensure you never need to buy ammo again. It can also help in crafting some nifty gear if you'd like.

Immersive Patrols, one of those mods that lends more life to the world, it places various patrols of different factions around the map. This leads to some fights and encounters and they often engage each other in combat as well. Fantastic, yet simple mod.

Favorite companion mods of mine are; INIGO and Sofia, they're both fully voice-acted, really well made in every aspect. These two companions can even interact with one another if you use a mod that allows more than one companion. Screw the boring vanilla followers, there are many better ones available as mods!

MorrowLoot - a large mod that reworks the entire loot system, removing silliness such as bandits wearing Daedric gear and generally turning down the inflated rate with which rare items will show up in random chests. It also delevels quest rewards and other items, avoiding you being stuck with a shit version of an item if you complete a quest early on.

RaceMenu, the comprehensive character creation overhaul. It adds immense depth to the character creation and is compatible with a slew of mods, inlcuding packs of hairstyles, beards, tattoos, new races and various presets. You need this regardless of playstyle and other mods!

Anyway, that's some of the mods I use, I also have tons of weapon and armor mods installed, dragon enchancers, multiple companions and various immersion mods such as lantern fixes, spell lighting effect and even spell trajectory effects, stealth modifying mods etc. Read about how it all works, it usually works fine with the Vortex Manager (previosuly Nexus Mod Manager) and, as mentioned, most major mods have very few conflicts. Some of the listed mods also have menus with a wide selection of options, allowing a whole lot of custimization within the mods themselves. Happy gaming!

Thanks! This is awesome! Do you know what I could do make the game work correctly for the next install? Like, what should I install/uninstall from the folders for no register to be brought and ruin yet another try.