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I do not want more remakes. RE2 deserve a remake that game was the best in the series until RE4. But RE3 sucked. A remake may not be enough to save it. As for RE, I think there is already a lot of releases/remakes/ports. It really killed the original. The bad voice acting had some charm on the PSX, on the DS it make the game embarrassing to play.
If they want a real test make a real game, not a spin off or cheap ports (I am not talking about RE4 Wii)
And yes I know the UC is looking good and I want to play it bad, but still it is not as big news as RE5.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."