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The pump and dump approach employed by EActubi and other third parties is a large part of why games that sell "only" 5 million copies can end up being seen commercial failures. They're heavily dependent on massive first week sales because their products, other than annual multiplayer-focused franchises like Call of Duty, generally don't have long legs and they don't make as much money off of people waiting for the games to hit $20 or less because the game is an "old" game, or the people waiting for a "GOTY edition" with all the DLC included. If you treat the games you make like disposable products, your customers will do the same. They prefer a business approach that emphasizes volume. That's what works for them. 

Nintendo carefully curates its franchises so that they will maintain their value, and therefore Nintendo continues to make money off of them. That's the way they've always done it since the NES. A Zelda game to me is an event, a treasure to be kept. It also means that Nintendo is generally more willing to keep investing in franchises that would be considered failures at EA or Activision.

Last edited by SanAndreasX - on 01 November 2020