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Finally watched the video.

I've always been interested in backwards compatibility. Didn't use it on GBA because old school Gameboy games aged too badly. Kinda used it on PS2 but that didn't last long because PS1 games aged like shit, even though they looked better on PS2. Same for Wii games on Wii U and most other systems. Even original Xbox games on Xbox 360 were just outdated. I mostly played Conker. Tried a few other games but technology moves fast. GameCube games on Wii didn't really do much for me, either.

When I got a Vita, that kinda changed. I played a ton of PSP games on my Vita because PSP games still looked good. I think the 7th gen is where leaps finally started slowing down and things reached a point where they just look good from that point forward. Games from that gen still have online support, etc. In fact, 8th gen often felt like a prettier version of the 7th gen. Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii U (I know it's 8th gen) games still look good. I LOVE playing 7th gen games on my Switch and I love playing 7th gen games on my Xbox One. Hell, a huge portion of my 8th gen library is just remastered versions of 7th gen games.

I just have to say that, as we move forward, I think that BC is more important than it's ever been. It's not love going from VHS to DVD, it's more like going from DVD to Blu-ray... except that in some circumstances, you get a free upgrade.

Would I buy an Xbox SX or PS5 to play 8th gen games? Nope. But will I play 8th gen games on my 9th gen hardware? Hell yeah! In fact, I'm kinda excited to see what they can do! Plus me being "all digital" makes it just that much easier.