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DonFerrari said:
chakkra said:

Well, the guy is about to give me plenty more new games to play for $10 a month. The real question would be why shouldn't I "defend" him?

Defending his decision to buy the studio and even make it exclusive is plenty fine. To defend his fake speaches is something else.

AsGryffynn said:

xCloud app for PS5 is all it takes. Hell, it would only take a decent browser and you could just link to xCloud via the web browser in your PS5! 

Sure, still that doesn't make his statement true.

sales2099 said:

Hey, can’t have bad press. They technically aren’t removing by honouring Deathloop and Ghostwire. Probably Elder Scrolls Online and Fallout 76 should they get next gen versions. 

I like his deliciously vague comments. Keep people guessing, keep the free Xbox word of mouth going.  Makes Xbox look benevolent instead of evil corporation. 

They have signed deal, would be complicated to just default the deal of the company they are purchasing. Usually the contracts forbid this type of thing.

LudicrousSpeed said:

The purchase isn’t even finalized yet. It’s almost as if these games are years off or something. It always baffles me how some of the PS crowd here and you especially, cling to every word Papa Phil says and you like, make records of this shit to whip out a year from now to point out how he’s a bold faced liar for not doing exactly what he’d said.... even though every time, “exactly what he’d said” is actually your biased view of what he said or sometimes not even what he said but what you think he meant, LOL.

In this interview he said the deal wasn’t done to take games away from other people. That doesn’t mean in any way that games won’t be taken from other people, it means that wasn’t the point of the deal. It seems rather simple, but I can understand and excuse your fog of console warz getting it mixed up.

Won't even take the energy to reply to you.

Be aware that there is a very clear line between "support" and "native support" and supporting Xbox games on other platforms doesn't mean they need to let the platform owner decide or get any benefits from it. 

It still can be on your system, if the system owner does as Microsoft says. That definitely counts. It's essentially MS version of Epic's "no App Store Fortnite for you!" for those who are interested. There will be MS support for other platforms, but MS is going to be raking in all the money from that alongside devs. No middlemen accepted.