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Sadly the air transmission route is still being downplayed or not taken seriously. Extra cleaning is what schools here got instead of air filters. Masks are required from grade 4 and up, but not during lunch breaks, in the same room packed together. It's all so inconsistent. The play ground nearby has 2 different covid-19 signs. One says max occupancy 4, the other 1, crossed out and a 2 taped underneath it. The playground is outside, at least 4 times the size of a classroom (for up to 30 packed together), and never 'used' that long.

They won't do anything about it until the ICUs are filled up again. My wife's best friend's grandmother just got covid-19. She's old, small chance at survival. My wife's friend is now waiting for the call whether she needs to get tested. She has been isolating anyway, last time she saw her gandmother was 7 days ago. Her grandmother has back luck, she likely got it in Hamilton while going there for a cancer treatment. We could have gotten rid of covid-19 yet the economy and especially fun was more important.