GProgrammer said:
That can't be correct, Lots of people on these forums say 3rd parties are doing great on the Switch |
Those that released are doing very well. The problem isn't their sales performance, but the number of titles.
The publishers, possibly wary from the Wii U flop, were very slow to make the Switch to the new platform. As a result, the number of games from the AA/AAA publishers is quite low, though that's changing and we're getting a steady flow of new announcements now.
You can also see that well in the COMG! thread, where the PS4 had the majority of spots in the preorder chart until recently, but now, Switch finally took the lead, both in the number of titles and in the number of current total preorders per platform.
The Nintendo eShop rating Thread: List as Google Doc:
The Steam/GOG key gifting thread:
Free Pc Games thread: