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EricHiggin said:
JWeinCom said:

I'm not going to blame Trump for things he has no control over. 

When his supporters don't wear masks because he downplays them, he's contributing to that, and he should be blamed, and in my opinion, hated for it. But I don't see anything he's done that would encourage his supporters to celebrate RBG's death, so I can't blame him for that.

Trump had little control over how covid spread from China. Could he really have kept it out of America? Could he really have without a doubt, halved the deaths? If he had, would that have been good enough? What number would be reasonable? Something we can never know for sure and something that really doesn't have certain answers because even 25,000 deaths would've been considered too much because one is said to be too much.

What about his supporters who do wear masks? How many do vs how many don't? How many with masks unfortunately spread it anyway? 

Well you could argue Pence based on his religious beliefs, who Trump picked to be his VP. Some say it always goes up to Trump because he's Prez so again, it would matter to some degree in that case.

Again, I blame Trump based on his actions. I don't think I have ever said that every single death related to Covid is his fault. Nor did claim to know how many deaths could have been prevented if he followed what the health experts say. I think people more qualified than me should study that, and Trump should be accountable based on their findings.

Trump's mask wearing supporters are like his RBG hating supporters. I don't give him the blame for his supporters doing bad things if he hasn't encouraged it. Likewise, I don't give Trump credit for them showing basic common sense and decency unless he's somehow encouraged that.

What I do know is that health experts have consistently said that masks are a hugely effective tool to fight the spread of the virus, and Trump has frequently contradicted them. He put people who are not qualified in control of the handling of the virus, pushed for promoting ineffective treatment, put out misinformation on the virus, etc. Beyond that, he has personally exposed people directly through his rallies, and by continuing to see people after he had been exposed.

I'm not blaming Trump for everything, just for the things he's done.