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SanAndreasX said:
JWeinCom said:

I'm of the opinion that Trump will not be president for much longer. When I talk about charges, I'm not talking about impeachment, I'm talking about criminal charges and civil liability. There may be some immunity that would protect him. Usually there is when it's related to presidential actions, but I'm pretty sure you have to show a rational basis for your actions (which is a really lenient standard), but I don't think it would be impossible to press charges.

It wouldn't be impossible to press charges, but it would be a hell of a legal fight. And if Trump leaves office before January 20th, regardless of the election outcome, Pence becomes the acting President at least until then, and his first action as President will be to pardon Trump, which is what Ford did for Nixon when he became President.  Nixon would almost certainly have been convicted of obstruction of justice had Ford not done pardoned him, and most likely other actors associated with Nixon and Watergate, like Robert Bork, would have also been indicted. It's also interesting to note that the acceptance of a pardon is an admission of guilt under US law.

I don't think Trump will leave before the 20th, and probably not after. I'm also not sure Pence would pardon him or that he could. I don't think that would be a good look for the Republican party. But maybe he'd be loyal enough. I gotta say, Trump seems like the kind of guy that is tolerated while he's in power. If the election is lost, Pence is probably going down with the ship and may not be apt to help him.

You can apply a pardon for a presumptive case, but it might depend on how likely a charges are to occur. More importantly though, a president can only pardon for federal crimes. If someone were to say bring a charge of negligent manslaughter in New Jersey, that would be a state crime.

CaptainExplosion said:
JWeinCom said:

I'm of the opinion that Trump will not be president for much longer. When I talk about charges, I'm not talking about impeachment, I'm talking about criminal charges and civil liability. There may be some immunity that would protect him. Usually there is when it's related to presidential actions, but I'm pretty sure you have to show a rational basis for your actions (which is a really lenient standard), but I don't think it would be impossible to press charges.

I have only slightly more sympathy for them than I do for him. Honestly, if this wasn't highly infectious, I'd just give them all Darwin awards and not give them another thought. Unfortunately, they may, and probably will, spread it to others who are not doing anything to court illness.

And because of these amoral idiots it feels like we'll never be rid of COVID-19, and we're headed further to the apocalypse. -_-