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ClassicGamingWizzz said:
So this piece of shit knew he was infected and was doing meetups to get campaign funds? Family didnt want a mask on debate, he is such a fucking disgusting pig...

I just read this bit of news too.

"WEDS mid-day Trump tests positive

WEDS afternoon Attends fundraiser + rally in MN

THURS Goes to NJ golf club, meets with 18 donors in indoor roundtable without masks.
WH sources later say he appears tired.

FRI 1am: News breaks that Trump tests positive"

"Dr. Conley indicated Trump received monoclonal antibody treatment Thurs morning, indicating he may have met with donors while being treated. What's more, per @drsanjaygupta, drs must have applied for compassionate use for monoclonal treatment hours earlier." - Derek Thompson  (writer for the atlantic, news papir)

Trump KNEW he had covid19, and still went to meet with people at a fundraiser, and a rally.
He went golfing, and again met with 18 more donors (indoors, without masks)

He just gives zero fu**s if he infects or kills others with it.

Stuff like this is why its hard to give him any sympathy, now that he tested positive for Covid19.