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We're going backwards :(

Don't have symptoms, aren't high-risk but want a COVID-19 test? You can't get one in Canada now

Again more than 400 cases in Ontario today despite the late September warm weather (high of 26c today, feels like 29c). Ontario is taking up to 40K swabs daily, however the labs can only resolve 30K to 35K swabs a day. Pending tests are now up to 65K. So much for tracking and tracing in a timely manner.

Online learning was the right choice, so far already a case discovered in grade 4 at our school (which my youngest would have been in) and another on the bus route my kids would have been on. We had a good phys ed today, I took my kid cross country, climbing, crossing the river and streams. The instructions were, go do something active, so we did. Fun.