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The problem with gamers trying to say what corporations should spend their money on is that they don't understand business strategy. They see "Nintendo should buy Sega because it would be cool if Nintendo owned Sonic." That would cost Nintendo 350 billion yen. To put this into comparison, Breath of the Wild is Nintendo's most expensive project in the history of the company, and by quite a bit, at about 12.5 billion yen, so the cost of Nintendo to buy Sega, in other words, would be roughly 28 Breath of the Wilds, all because "It would be cool if Nintendo owned Sonic."

If some share holder is asking Nintendo to purchase companies like Sega, then he's some random dumbass and not representative of the shareholders at large. Considering Nintendo's big money makers are already owned by Nintendo, I can't see a merger or acquisition being in Nintendo's best interest creatively or financially.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.